Source code for solarforecastarbiter.metrics.preprocessing

Provides preprocessing steps to be performed on the timeseries data.
import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from solarforecastarbiter import datamodel
from solarforecastarbiter.validation import quality_mapping

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Titles to refer to counts of preprocessing results
FILL_RESULT_TOTAL_STRING = "Total {0}Forecast Values {1}"
DISCARD_DATA_STRING = "Values Discarded by Alignment"
UNDEFINED_DATA_STRING = "Undefined Values"
FORECAST_FILL_STRING_MAP = {'drop': "Dropped",
                            'forward': "Forward Filled"}

[docs]def apply_fill(fx_data, forecast, forecast_fill_method, start, end): """ Apply fill procedure to the data from the start to end timestamps. Parameters ---------- fx_data : pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame Forecast data with pandas.DatetimeIndex. forecast : datamodel.Forecast forecast_fill_method : {'drop', 'forward', float} Indicates what process to use for handling missing forecasts. * _'drop'_ drops all missing values for any row with a missing value. * _'forward'_ fills missing values with the most recent real value. If any leading missing values fill with zeros. * _float_ fills any missing values with the given value. start : pandas.Timestamp end : pandas.Timestamp Returns ------- filled: pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame Forecast filled according to the specified logic count : int Number of values filled or dropped """ forecast_fill_method = str(forecast_fill_method) # Create full datetime range at resolution full_dt_index = pd.date_range( start=start, end=end, freq=forecast.interval_length, closed=datamodel.CLOSED_MAPPING[forecast.interval_label], if forecast_fill_method == 'drop': # Drop any missing values. # If data is a DataFrame any row that is missing a value is # dropped for all columns. if isinstance(fx_data, pd.DataFrame): count = fx_data.isna().any(axis=1).sum() * fx_data.shape[1] else: count = fx_data.isna().sum() filled = fx_data.dropna(how='any').astype(float) elif forecast_fill_method == 'forward': # Reindex with expected datetime range. # Fills missing values with the most recent real value. # If any leading missing values fill with zeros. filled = fx_data.reindex(index=full_dt_index) count = filled.isna().sum() filled.fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True) filled.fillna(value=0, inplace=True) else: # Value should be numeric try: const_fill_value = pd.to_numeric( forecast_fill_method).astype(float) except ValueError: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported forecast fill missing data method: " f"{forecast_fill_method}") # Reindex with expected datetime range. # Fills missing values with the given constant value. filled = fx_data.reindex(index=full_dt_index) count = filled.isna().sum() filled.fillna(value=const_fill_value, inplace=True) # If data provided as DataFrame count will be a series, so sum over that # series to get the total count for all columns (Except for 'drop'). if isinstance(count, pd.Series): count = count.sum() return filled, count
def _resample_event_obs(obs, fx, obs_data, quality_flags): """Resample the event observation. Parameters ---------- obs : datamodel.Observation The Observation being resampled. fx : datamodel.EventForecast The corresponding Forecast. obs_data : pd.Series Timeseries data of the event observation. quality_flags : tuple of solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.QualityFlagFilter Flags to process and apply as filters during resampling. Returns ------- obs_resampled : pandas.Series Timeseries data of the Observation resampled to match the Forecast. counts : dict Dict where keys are quality_flag.quality_flags and values are integers indicating the number of points filtered for the given flag. Raises ------ ValueError If the Forecast and Observation do not have the same interval length. """ if fx.interval_length != obs.interval_length: raise ValueError("Event observation and forecast time-series " "must have matching interval length.") # bools w/ has columns like NIGHTTIME, CLEARSKY EXCEEDED, but many of # these are not valid for event obs! Arguably only USER FLAGGED and # NIGHTTIME are valid for event obs. obs_flags = quality_mapping.convert_mask_into_dataframe( obs_data['quality_flag']) obs_flags['ISNAN'] = obs_data['value'].isna() # determine the points that should never contribute # combine unique elements of tuple of tuples discard_before_resample_flags = set(['ISNAN']) for f in filter(lambda x: x.discard_before_resample, quality_flags): discard_before_resample_flags |= set(f.quality_flags) discard_before_resample = obs_flags[discard_before_resample_flags] counts = discard_before_resample.astype(int).sum(axis=0).to_dict() to_discard_before_resample = discard_before_resample.any(axis=1) obs_resampled = obs_data[~to_discard_before_resample] return obs_resampled, counts def _validate_event_dtype(ser): """ Validate the event data dtype, converting to boolean values if possible. Parameter --------- ser : pandas.Series The event time-series data (observation or forecast). Returns ------- ser : pandas.Series The event time-series data as boolean values. Raises ------ TypeError If the event time-series data dtype cannot be converted to boolean. """ if ser.dtype == bool: return ser elif ser.dtype == int and np.all(np.isin(ser.unique(), [0, 1])): return ser.astype(bool) elif ser.dtype == float and np.all(np.isin(ser.unique(), [0.0, 1.0])): return ser.astype(bool) else: raise TypeError("Invalid data type for event time-series; unable to " "convert {} to boolean.".format(ser.dtype)) def _resample_obs(obs, fx, obs_data, quality_flags): """Resample observations. Parameters ---------- obs : datamodel.Observation The Observation being resampled. fx : datamodel.Forecast The corresponding Forecast. obs_data : pandas.DataFrame Timeseries of values and quality flags of the observation/aggregate data. quality_flags : tuple of solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.QualityFlagFilter Flags to process and apply as filters during resampling. Returns ------- obs_resampled : pandas.Series The observation time series resampled to match the forecast interval_length. Time series will have missing labels where values failed validation. counts : dict Dict where keys are quality_flag.quality_flags and values are integers indicating the number of points filtered for the given flag. Raises ------ ValueError If fx.interval_length < obs.interval_length """ if fx.interval_length < obs.interval_length: # typically impossible to reach this because ForecastObservation init # prevents it raise ValueError( 'Cannot resample observation to match forecast because ' 'fx.interval_length < obs.interval_length.') if obs_data.empty: return obs_data['value'], {} # label convention when resampling closed = datamodel.CLOSED_MAPPING[obs.interval_label] # bools w/ has columns like NIGHTTIME, CLEARSKY EXCEEDED obs_flags = quality_mapping.convert_mask_into_dataframe( obs_data['quality_flag']) obs_flags['ISNAN'] = obs_data['value'].isna() # determine the points that should be discarded before resampling. to_discard_before_resample, counts = _calc_discard_before_resample( obs_flags, quality_flags, fx.interval_length, closed) # resample using all of the data except for what was flagged by the # discard before resample process. resampled_values = \ obs_data.loc[~to_discard_before_resample, 'value'].resample( fx.interval_length, closed=closed, label=closed).mean() # determine the intervals that have too many flagged points to_discard_after_resample, after_resample_counts = \ _calc_discard_after_resample( obs_flags, quality_flags, to_discard_before_resample, fx.interval_length, obs.interval_length, closed ) # discard the intervals with too many flagged sub-interval points. # resampled_values.index does not contain labels for intervals for # which all points were discarded, so care is needed in the next # indexing operation. good_labels = to_discard_after_resample.index[~to_discard_after_resample] obs_resampled = resampled_values.loc[ resampled_values.index.intersection(good_labels)] # merge the counts dictionaries counts.update(after_resample_counts) return obs_resampled, counts def _calc_discard_before_resample( obs_flags, quality_flags, fx_interval_length, closed ): """Determine intervals to discard before resampling. Parameters ---------- obs_flags : pd.DataFrame Output of convert_mask_into_dataframe, plus ISNAN. quality_flags : tuple of solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.QualityFlagFilter Flags to process and apply as filters during resampling. fx_interval_length : pd.Timedelta Forecast interval length to resample to. closed : {'left', 'right', None} Interval label convention. Returns ------- to_discard_before_resample : pd.Series Indicates if a point should be discarded (True) or kept (False) before the resample. counts : dict Dict where keys are quality_flag.quality_flags and values are integers indicating the number of points filtered for the given flag. """ # determine the points that should never contribute # combine unique elements of tuple of tuples discard_before_resample_flags = set(['ISNAN']) for f in filter(lambda x: x.discard_before_resample, quality_flags): discard_before_resample_flags |= set(f.quality_flags) discard_before_resample = obs_flags[discard_before_resample_flags] counts = discard_before_resample.astype(int).sum(axis=0).to_dict() to_discard_before_resample = discard_before_resample.any(axis=1) # TODO: add filters for time of day and value, OR with # to_discard_before_resample, add discarded number to counts return to_discard_before_resample, counts def _calc_discard_after_resample( obs_flags, quality_flags, to_discard_before_resample, fx_interval_length, obs_interval_length, closed ): """Determine intervals to discard after resampling. Parameters ---------- obs_flags : pd.DataFrame Output of convert_mask_into_dataframe, plus ISNAN. quality_flags : tuple of solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.QualityFlagFilter Flags to process and apply as filters during resampling. to_discard_before_resample : pd.Series Boolean Series indicating if a point should be discarded before resampling. Used when determining if too many points fx_interval_length : pd.Timedelta Forecast interval length to resample to. obs_interval_length : pd.Timedelta Observation interval length. closed : {'left', 'right', None} Interval label convention. Returns ------- to_discard_after_resample : pd.Series Indicates if a point should be discarded (True) or kept (False) before the resample. counts : dict Dict where keys are quality_flag.quality_flags and values are integers indicating the number of points filtered for the given flag. """ # number of points discarded before resampling in each interval to_discard_before_resample_count = to_discard_before_resample.resample( fx_interval_length, closed=closed, label=closed).sum() # Series to track if a given resampled interval should be discarded to_discard_after_resample = pd.Series( False, index=to_discard_before_resample_count.index) # will be used to determine threshold number of points interval_ratio = fx_interval_length / obs_interval_length # track number of flagged intervals in a dict counts = {} def apply_flag(quality_flag): # should we put ISNAN in both the before and during resample exclude? # use list to ensure column selection works quality_flags_to_exclude = list(quality_flag.quality_flags) + ['ISNAN'] filter_name = ' OR '.join(quality_flags_to_exclude) if quality_flag.discard_before_resample: filter_name = 'DISCARD BEFORE RESAMPLE: ' + filter_name # Reduce DataFrame with relevant flags to bool series. # could add a QualityFlagFilter.logic key to control # OR (.any(axis=1)) vs. AND (.all(axis=1)) obs_flag_ser = obs_flags[quality_flags_to_exclude].any(axis=1) # TODO: add time of day and value boolean tests here, # then OR with obs_ser and adjust filter_name. # Series describing number of points in each interval that are flagged resampled_flags_count = obs_flag_ser.resample( fx_interval_length, closed=closed, label=closed).sum() threshold = ( quality_flag.resample_threshold_percentage / 100. * interval_ratio) flagged = resampled_flags_count > threshold return filter_name, flagged # apply to all quality_flag objects, including those with # discard_before_resample == True. This ensures that we throw out # resampled intervals that have too few points. for quality_flag in quality_flags: filter_name, flagged = apply_flag(quality_flag) to_discard_after_resample |= flagged counts[filter_name] = flagged.sum() return to_discard_after_resample, counts
[docs]def filter_resample(fx_obs, fx_data, obs_data, quality_flags): """Filter and resample the observation to the forecast interval length. Parameters ---------- fx_obs : solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.ForecastObservation, solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.ForecastAggregate Pair of forecast and observation. fx_data : pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame Timeseries data of the forecast. obs_data : pandas.DataFrame Timeseries of values and quality flags of the observation/aggregate data. quality_flags : tuple of solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.QualityFlagFilter Flags to process and apply as filters during resampling. Returns ------- forecast_values : pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame Same as input data except may be coerced to a safer dtype. observation_values : pandas.Series Observation values filtered and resampled. counts : dict Dict where keys are quality_flag.quality_flags and values are integers indicating the number of points filtered for the given flag. Notes ----- This function does not currently account for mismatches in the `interval_label` of the `fx_obs.observation` and `fx_obs.forecast`. The keep/exclude result of each element of the ``quality_flags`` tuple is combined with the OR operation. For ``quality_flags`` tuple elements where ``QualityFlagFilter.discard_before_resample`` is ``False``, the ``QualityFlagFilter.quality_flags`` are considered during the resampling operation. The flags of the raw observations are combined with ``OR``, the total number of flagged points within a resample period is computed, and intervals are discarded where ``QualityFlagFilter.resample_threshold_percentage`` is exceeded. Therefore, the following examples can produce different results: >>> # separate flags. OR computed after resampling. >>> qflag_1 = QualityFlagFilter(('NIGHTTIME', ), discard_before_resample=False) >>> qflag_2 = QualityFlagFilter(('CLEARSKY', ), discard_before_resample=False) >>> # combined flags. OR computed during resampling. >>> qflag_combined = QualityFlagFilter(('NIGHTTIME', 'CLEARSKY'), discard_before_resample=False) Raises ------ ValueError If fx_obs.forecast.interval_length is less than fx_obs.observation.interval_length ValueError If fx_obs.forecast is an EventForecast and fx_obs.forecast.interval_length is not equal to fx_obs.observation.interval_length """ # noqa: E501 fx = fx_obs.forecast obs = fx_obs.data_object # Resample based on forecast type if isinstance(fx, datamodel.EventForecast): fx_data = _validate_event_dtype(fx_data) obs_data['value'] = _validate_event_dtype(obs_data['value']) obs_resampled, counts = _resample_event_obs( obs, fx, obs_data, quality_flags) else: obs_resampled, counts = _resample_obs(obs, fx, obs_data, quality_flags) return fx_data, obs_resampled, counts
[docs]def align(fx_obs, fx_data, obs_data, ref_data, tz): """Align the observation data to the forecast data. Parameters ---------- fx_obs : solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.ForecastObservation, solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.ForecastAggregate Pair of forecast and observation. fx_data : pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame Timeseries data of the forecast. obs_data : pandas.Series Timeseries data of the observation/aggregate after processing the quality flag column and resampling to match fx_obs.forecast.interval_length. ref_data : pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame or None Timeseries data of the reference forecast. tz : str Timezone to which processed data will be converted. Returns ------- forecast_values : pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame observation_values : pandas.Series reference_forecast_values : pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame or None results : dict Keys are strings and values are typically integers that describe number of discarded and undefined data points. Notes ----- This function does not currently account for mismatches in the `interval_label` of the `fx_obs.observation` and `fx_obs.forecast`. If ``obs_data`` will be subsampled if it is higher frequency than fx_data, but users should not rely on this behavior. Instead, use :py:func:`~.filter_resample` to match the input observations to the forecast data. """ # noqa: E501 fx = fx_obs.forecast obs = fx_obs.data_object ref_fx = fx_obs.reference_forecast # Align (forecast is unchanged) # Remove non-corresponding observations and forecasts, and missing periods undefined_obs = obs_data.isna().sum() obs_data = obs_data.dropna(how="any") obs_aligned, fx_aligned = obs_data.align( fx_data.dropna(how="any"), 'inner') # another alignment step if reference forecast exists. # here we drop points that don't exist in all 3 series. # could set reference forecast to NaN where missing instead. # could set to 0 instead. # could build a DataFrame (implicit outer-join), then perform # alignment using ['forecast', 'observation'] or # ['forecast', 'observation', 'reference'] selections if ref_data is not None: obs_aligned, ref_fx_aligned = obs_aligned.align( ref_data.dropna(how="any"), 'inner') fx_aligned = fx_aligned.reindex(obs_aligned.index) ref_values = ref_fx_aligned.tz_convert(tz) else: ref_values = None # Determine series with timezone conversion forecast_values = fx_aligned.tz_convert(tz) observation_values = obs_aligned.tz_convert(tz) # prob fx DataFrame needs to be summed across both dimensions if isinstance(fx_data, pd.DataFrame): undefined_fx = fx_data.isna().sum().sum() else: undefined_fx = fx_data.isna().sum() # Return dict summarizing results results = { fx.__blurb__ + " " + DISCARD_DATA_STRING: len(fx_data.dropna(how="any")) - len(fx_aligned), obs.__blurb__ + " " + DISCARD_DATA_STRING: len(obs_data) - len(observation_values), fx.__blurb__ + " " + UNDEFINED_DATA_STRING: int(undefined_fx), obs.__blurb__ + " " + UNDEFINED_DATA_STRING: int(undefined_obs) } if ref_data is not None: k = type(ref_fx).__name__ + " " + UNDEFINED_DATA_STRING results[k] = len(ref_data.dropna(how='any')) - len(ref_fx_aligned) return forecast_values, observation_values, ref_values, results
[docs]def check_reference_forecast_consistency(fx_obs, ref_data): """Filter and resample the observation to the forecast interval length. Parameters ---------- fx_obs : solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.ForecastObservation, solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.ForecastAggregate Pair of forecast and observation. ref_data : pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame or None Timeseries data of the reference forecast. Raises ------ ValueError If fx_obs.reference_forecast is not None but ref_data is None or vice versa ValueError If fx_obs.reference_forecast.interval_label or interval_length does not match fx_obs.forecast.interval_label or interval_length """ # noqa: E501 fx = fx_obs.forecast ref_fx = fx_obs.reference_forecast if ref_fx is not None and ref_data is None: raise ValueError( 'ref_data must be supplied if fx_obs.reference_forecast is not ' 'None') elif ref_fx is None and ref_data is not None: raise ValueError( 'ref_data was supplied but fx_obs.reference_forecast is None') if ref_fx is not None: if fx.interval_length != ref_fx.interval_length: raise ValueError( f'forecast.interval_length "{fx.interval_length}" must match ' 'reference_forecast.interval_length ' f'"{ref_fx.interval_length}"') if fx.interval_label != ref_fx.interval_label: raise ValueError( f'forecast.interval_label "{fx.interval_label}" must match ' f'reference_forecast.interval_label "{ref_fx.interval_label}"') if isinstance(fx, datamodel.ProbabilisticForecast): if fx.axis != ref_fx.axis: raise ValueError( f'forecast.axis "{fx.axis}" must match ' f'reference_forecast.axis "{ref_fx.axis}"')
[docs]def process_forecast_observations(forecast_observations, filters, forecast_fill_method, start, end, data, timezone, costs=tuple()): """ Convert ForecastObservations into ProcessedForecastObservations applying any filters and resampling to align forecast and observation. Parameters ---------- forecast_observations : list of solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.ForecastObservation, solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.ForecastAggregate Pairs to process filters : list of solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.BaseFilter Filters to apply to each pair. forecast_fill_method : str Indicates what process to use for handling missing forecasts. Currently supports : 'drop', 'forward', and bool or numeric value. start : pandas.Timestamp Start date and time for assessing forecast performance. end : pandas.Timestamp End date and time for assessing forecast performance. data : dict Dict with keys that are the Forecast/Observation/Aggregate object and values that are the corresponding pandas.Series/DataFrame for the object. Keys must also include all Forecast objects assigned to the ``reference_forecast`` attributes of the ``forecast_observations``. timezone : str Timezone that data should be converted to costs : tuple of :py:class:`solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.Cost` Costs that are referenced by any pairs. Pairs and costs are matched by the Cost name. Returns ------- tuple of ProcessedForecastObservation Notes ----- In the case where the `interval_label` of the `obs` and `fx` do not match, this function currently returns a `ProcessedForecastObservation` object with a `interval_label` the same as the `fx`, regardless of whether the `interval_length` of the `fx` and `obs` are the same or different. The processing logic is as follows. For each forecast, observation pair in ``forecast_observations``: 1. Fill missing forecast data points according to ``forecast_fill_method``. 2. Fill missing reference forecast data points according to ``forecast_fill_method``. 3. Remove observation data points with ``quality_flag`` in filters. Remaining observation series is discontinuous. 4. Resample observations to match forecast intervals. If at least 10% of the observation intervals within a forecast interval are valid (not missing or matching ``filters``), the interval is value is computed from all subintervals. Otherwise the resampled observation is NaN. 5. Drop NaN observation values. 6. Align observations to match forecast times. Observation times for which there is not a matching forecast time are dropped. 7. Create :py:class:`~solarforecastarbiter.datamodel.ProcessedForecastObservation` with resampled, aligned data and metadata. """ # NOQA: E501 if not all([isinstance(filter_, datamodel.QualityFlagFilter) for filter_ in filters]): logger.warning( 'Only filtering on Quality Flag is currently implemented. ' 'Other filters will be discarded.') filters = [ f for f in filters if isinstance(f, datamodel.QualityFlagFilter)] # create string for tracking forecast fill results. # this approach supports known methods or filling with contant values. forecast_fill_str = FORECAST_FILL_STRING_MAP.get( forecast_fill_method, FORECAST_FILL_CONST_STRING.format(forecast_fill_method) ) costs_dict = { c for c in costs} # accumulate ProcessedForecastObservations in a dict. # use a dict so we can keep track of existing names and avoid repeats. processed_fxobs = {} for fxobs in forecast_observations: # accumulate PreprocessingResults from various stages in a list preproc_results = [] # extract fx and obs data from data dict try: fx_data = data[fxobs.forecast] except KeyError as e: logger.error( 'Failed to find data for forecast %s: %s',, e) continue try: obs_data = data[fxobs.data_object] except KeyError as e: logger.error( 'Failed to find data for observation %s: %s',, e) continue # Apply fill to forecast and reference forecast fx_data, count = apply_fill(fx_data, fxobs.forecast, forecast_fill_method, start, end) preproc_results.append(datamodel.PreprocessingResult( name=FILL_RESULT_TOTAL_STRING.format('', forecast_fill_str), count=int(count))) ref_data = data.get(fxobs.reference_forecast, None) try: check_reference_forecast_consistency(fxobs, ref_data) except ValueError as e: logger.error('Incompatible reference forecast and data: %s', e) continue if fxobs.reference_forecast is not None: ref_data, count = apply_fill(ref_data, fxobs.reference_forecast, forecast_fill_method, start, end) preproc_results.append(datamodel.PreprocessingResult( name=FILL_RESULT_TOTAL_STRING.format( "Reference ", forecast_fill_str), count=int(count))) # filter and resample observation/aggregate data try: forecast_values, observation_values, counts = filter_resample( fxobs, fx_data, obs_data, filters) except Exception as e: # should figure out the specific exception types to catch logger.error( 'Failed to filter and resample data for pair (%s, %s): %s',,, e) continue # store validated data in validated_observations val_results = tuple(datamodel.ValidationResult(flag=k, count=int(v)) for k, v in counts.items()) # this count value no longer makes sense because the first object # is at a different interval than the second. # might need to add a 'total' to counts, exclude from the # ValidationResult comprehension above, and use it here. preproc_obs_results = datamodel.PreprocessingResult( name=VALIDATION_RESULT_TOTAL_STRING, count=(len(data[fxobs.data_object]) - len(observation_values))) preproc_results.append(preproc_obs_results) # Align and create processed pair try: forecast_values, observation_values, ref_fx_values, results = \ align(fxobs, forecast_values, observation_values, ref_data, timezone) preproc_results.extend( [datamodel.PreprocessingResult(name=k, count=int(v)) for k, v in results.items()]) except Exception as e: logger.error( 'Failed to align data for pair (%s, %s): %s',,, e) continue'Processed data successfully for pair (%s, %s)',, name = _name_pfxobs(processed_fxobs.keys(), fxobs.forecast) cost_name = fxobs.cost cost = costs_dict.get(cost_name) if cost_name is not None and cost is None: logger.warning( 'Cannot calculate cost metrics for %s, cost parameters ' 'not supplied for cost: %s', name, cost_name) processed = datamodel.ProcessedForecastObservation( name=name, original=fxobs, interval_value_type=fxobs.forecast.interval_value_type, interval_length=fxobs.forecast.interval_length, interval_label=fxobs.forecast.interval_label, valid_point_count=len(forecast_values), validation_results=val_results, preprocessing_results=tuple(preproc_results), forecast_values=forecast_values, observation_values=observation_values, reference_forecast_values=ref_fx_values, normalization_factor=fxobs.normalization, uncertainty=fxobs.uncertainty, cost=cost ) processed_fxobs[name] = processed return tuple(processed_fxobs.values())
def _name_pfxobs(current_names, forecast, i=1): if isinstance(forecast, str): forecast_name = forecast else: forecast_name = if isinstance(forecast, datamodel.ProbabilisticForecastConstantValue): if forecast.axis == 'x': forecast_name += \ f' Prob(x <= {forecast.constant_value} {forecast.units})' else: forecast_name += f' Prob(f <= x) = {forecast.constant_value}%' if i > 99: logger.warning( 'Limit of unique names for identically named forecasts reached.' ' Aligned pairs may have duplicate names.') return forecast_name if forecast_name in current_names: if i == 1: new_name = f'{forecast_name}-{i:02d}' else: new_name = f'{forecast_name[:-3]}-{i:02d}' return _name_pfxobs(current_names, new_name, i + 1) else: return forecast_name